Words, and the insights they reveal, are our business. The word choices made by your customers reveal far more than answers to questions – they expose how those individuals think and make decisions.
As language research experts, we listen and gather stories – from qualitative interviews, in quantitative surveys, and on social media. From these we provide real, meaningful market research insight that informs how you do business today and ensures your continued success tomorrow.
Why Choose US?
More than four decades ago, our late Chairman, Dr. Joseph Yeager, observed that in a loud and crowded marketplace, companies seeking to engage the services of primary market research firms often feel as though they have many choices but no real preference. It was for that reason that he founded the company as Linguis-Techs, Inc. in 1975.
Dr. Yeager realized that no matter the choice being made, certain elements are inherent in all decisions, so he set out to do what the giants of psychology and linguistics had failed to accomplish – uncover, decipher, and map the hidden grammar of decision-making. This led to the development of Linguis-Tech’s proprietary 8-Components, a revolutionary questioning model that today serves as the cornerstone of Sommer’s offerings.
Words both reveal and obscure. It takes a nuanced and multidimensional understanding of language to navigate the linguistic labyrinth that impacts decision making. While some firms just focus on what is said, we go deeper and also look at how it is said. This not only informs our understanding of why respondents make the choices they do, but it also helps us to create a map of their social, cultural, and linguistic needs – understanding that is vital to craft messages that both resonate and motivate.
We talk differently than other firms about respondents.
We avoid blaming phrases – patients don’t fail; treatments do.
We live by a code of excellence – for our clients and for ourselves.
We believe in being service partners over service providers.
We are as invested in your success as in our own.